How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I thought it was merely a celestial event that happened to take place in Earth's plan. Coincidence. Misfortune. Bad Luck." (25.5)
Coincidences, misfortune, and bad luck—these, believe it or not, are all examples of spiritual ideas. No, they aren't religious by any means. But they are forms of superstition.
Quote #8
"Both times it came from the heavens—once from the sun, once from the ships. We think they may visit annually, to punish us for becoming lax and to remind us of what we need to become." (25.7)
Okay, so clearly these people are crazy. The point is, when people are put through awful times and they can't possibly provide an answer as to why, they often turn to some form of spirituality.