How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"It's just a baby," [Anne] said flatly. "And chances are she'll die. You'll have dozens more. Are you going to be like this over all of them?" (9.111)
If we can count on Anne for anything, it's to dump ice water all over a heartwarming moment. These lines show Anne's utilitarian attitude for everyone, including children, and they foreshadow how she'll treat her own child later.
Quote #5
"Family comes first," my father said slowly. "It must do." (10.33)
We understand Anne and Mary's father a little better when we see that he is in a situation similar to that his own daughters are in. He married into the family, so his position among the Boleyns is tenuous if he doesn't do what his brother-in-law wants him to do.
Quote #6
"Because you miss your child?" My mother had to have confirmation, the thought was so strange to her. (14.23)
Mary may be close to her daughter, but the older generation sure doesn't seem to care much for their kids. Mary's mother appears to have no bond at all with any of her children, for example. She treats them more like tools than her own flesh and blood.