How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Katherine of Aragon took the measure of Anne with one of her clear blue-eyes sweeps and I felt a pang of fear that she would prefer my sister to me. (2.31)
Mary is immediately jealous of Anne as soon as she sweeps into the royal court. Her jealousy will soon shift, though: she will worry about Anne attracting the attention of the king, not the queen.
Quote #2
On George's other side was Jane Parker, watching me intently, as if she were trying to discover the trick of being a desirable girl. (2.172)
Jane is a girl driven by jealousy and envy. The family often brushes her off, but she will end up being one of the family's biggest enemies.
Quote #3
"Why should Anne be the one who says how things are done?" I demanded. "Why d'you always listen to Anne?" (2.577)
Mary sounds like a petulant child early on, whining about her family listening to Anne. Why does Anne get all the cute dresses? Why does Anne get all the boys? Mary is Jan Brady, and Anne is Marcia. Anne Anne Anne.