How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
The Mass went on interminably. (3.196)
This line is a subtle way to show us that Mary is not particularly devout. She doesn't disrespect religion, but she doesn't adhere to it herself. Or at least she's not particularly passionate about it.
Quote #2
"God wanted our little prince in heaven; that was no fault of mine." (17.194)
Queen Katherine is a very religious woman, and she believes that everything that happens to her is a result of God's plan. This helps her get through hard times, and it does seem to be one reason why Henry respects her.
Quote #3
"I do not prepare for defeat," she said simply. "It would be to betray myself. I know that God will turn Henry's mind back to me and we will be happy together again." (26.71)
We have to wonder if Katherine had a crisis of faith after Henry divorced her. She really believes that God will guide her and save her marriage, but her marriage fails. Does that mean God has failed her? On the other hand, given what eventually happens to Anne, perhaps having Henry VIII divorce you—rather than, you know, lop your head off—is maybe a stroke a good fortune.