The Prince and the Pauper Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Speak up, good lad, and fear nothing," said the king. "How used you the Great Seal of England?"

Tom stammered a moment, in a pathetic confusion, then got it out: "To crack nuts with!"

Poor child, the avalanche of laughter that greeted this nearly swept him off his feet. But if a doubt remained in any mind that Tom Canty was not the king of England and familiar with the august appurtenances of royalty, this reply disposed of it utterly. (32.74)

Once a poor person, always a poor person? Is that the message of The Prince and the Pauper? We're not convinced. After all, hasn't Tom changed? Or is he still essentially the same person? Even if he is essentially the same person, is he supposed to be a pauper?