How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
I walked away from love as well, never again to see my reflection in my mothers' eyes. But I could not live among them. (2.8.14)
Despite her bond to her mothers and sisters, Dinah is shamed by her family and therefore feels the need to leave them behind. She really has two options: to escape and await an unknown future, or to live a life of solitude and loneliness. Not the best options, but she does have to choose.
Quote #8
My son loved Re-nefer, and when he saw her approach he would toddle to greet her with a hug. (3.1.102)
Dinah is a bit jealous of Re-mose's love for Re-nefer at first, but she warms up to it because of Re-nefer's own love for Re-mose. They were simply a happy family.
Quote #9
And yet, I did not fully understand my own heart, for this was nothing like what I felt when I first saw Shalem. (3.2.76)
Dinah's heart was already broken, so she feels her love for Benia simply couldn't be the same love as the kind she had for Shalem. Now, we're not saying she didn't love Benia; we're just saying it was a different kind of love. Or at least she experiences it that way. She's a different person now, after all, so it's no surprise she experience love differently at this point in her life.