How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"I got religious again and poured the last of the good wine out in the name of Anath the healer." (1.1.78)
Getting "religious again" is just another way of saying I was feeling lucky. Or maybe unlucky. Basically, the point is that there's a lot of uncertainty in these people's lives, and getting into some rituals in order to appease outside forces is one way of trying to get a little control over the situation.
Quote #2
He poured libations and sang to the god of his fathers. He poured libations over Asherah, too, and opened his hand before her. (1.2.91)
Pouring libations means that you pour a liquid offering. You know, this was probably a much better way to make a sacrifice than offering up things like cows. Or humans.
Quote #3
She slept with her belly against trees said to be sacred to local goddesses. Whenever she saw running water, she lay down in it, hoping for the life of the river to inspire life within her. (1.2.111)
We all have that friend, always trying out crazy things to gain an edge. Does it actually work here? Does she think it works?