How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
But when Inna saw how some of the hill women painted the mother's body with yellow spirals "to fool the demons," she curled her lip and muttered that it did nothing but irritate the skin. (2.6.45)
Though most people in the book are deeply spiritual (or religious, or both), there are still some skeptics out there, like Inna. Once spirituality comes into play, she thinks all reason is thrown out the window.
Quote #8
The wives of all the important men came to visit Ashnan and her little boy, who would not be publicly named until he reached three months, according to the custom of Egypt. "So the demons will not know how to find him," Ashnan whispered. (2.7.44)
Err, right. That's how naming children works. Uh huh.
Quote #9
I named them each and called forth the power of every god and every goddess, every demon and every torment, to destroy and devour them. (2.8.12)
Dinah curses her brothers here, and boy, do they suffer the consequences. Dinah's spirituality is pretty powerful, and she does seem to have some kind of spiritual power. Do you think her curses actually worked?