How It All Goes Down
- The next morning, as her maids help her get dressed, America realizes that she really likes these ladies. She relates to them a lot more than to the other girls, especially given there's only one other Five in the Selection.
- Keeping with her natural style, America decides to forego the fancy jewelry and simply wear her typical bling.
- Nearly everybody else decided to wear something "sparkly" (11.13). You're not trying to win the heart of a kitten, girls. America finds Ashley, and the two start chatting.
- The conversation is interrupted by Silvia, who announces that the girls are getting etiquette lessons ahead of their first meal with the royal family.
- Before Silvia finishes, however, Prince Maxon suddenly appears. The girls immediately start tittering. He flashes America a smile.
- Maxon announces that he wants to meet each of them, one by one, before breakfast. The girls take their turns until finally America gets her turn.
- Maxon facetiously (and flirtatiously) acts like he doesn't know America, and she thanks him for his kindness the previous night.
- Then Maxon gets down to brass tacks: does America think she could fall in love with him? America thinks about it for a second before responding to the negative, citing (but not naming) Aspen.
- Maxon kindly offers to let America go home, but she explains the whole stipend thing—her family really needs the cash. She has a counter offer, though: she will be his "friend" and advisor (11.78). He agrees.
- After Maxon finishes, he tells everyone to go to lunch, except the girls he told to stay behind. Ashley is one of them.
- The girls settle down for breakfast. America asks a girl named Kriss what happened to the girls who stayed behind, and Kriss explains that they have been cut. And now there are 27.