How It All Goes Down
- The Illéa Capital Report is on every Friday night, but the show always feels special during Selection season.
- The broadcast opens with the royal family. There's King Clarkson, the Queen, and Prince Maxon. Maxon is pretty cute, America notes, but he seems so stiff.
- The Queen had actually been chosen through the Selection. She had been a Four, which was considered pretty shocking at the time.
- King Clarkson presents the latest news: the war in New Asia is rolling on; the rebels are still being their typically rebellious selves; etc., etc.
- Once he's done, the master of events Gavril takes over and starts talking up the Selection. Prince Maxon looks super awkward.
- To make things even more awkward, Gavril interviews our nebbish prince. It actually goes better than you might imagine.
- That night, America is woken by an insistent tapping on her window. It's Aspen. She hurriedly lets him in and they make out like fiends. Things don't get any further than that, though—premarital sex is apparently a ticket to jail in this country.