How It All Goes Down
- The next week is a blur. The Singer home is practically under assault by state officials who are preparing America for the Selection.
- The boss lady is Silvia, though America finds herself dealing with a cadre of men who ask her an exhausting amount of questions.
- The last guy asks America for some deeply personal info, like whether she's a virgin. Yikes. He also tells her about the competition. There's no official timeframe for the Selection, but her family will be compensated as long as she stays at the palace. If she lasts until the top ten, she will join a special class known as the "Elite."
- America's also being immediately bumped up to Caste Three, though her family must remain Fives for now.
- Later, this same guy creepily tells America that she should "not refuse" Prince Maxon, no matter what he asks for (6.63). You can do the math on that one…
- There's a ring at the door. Big shocker—it's Aspen. He's holding flowers, which he claims are a gift from his sisters.
- America makes up some excuse, and they go inside her bedroom. Aspen, understandably, is in shock after the events of recent days.
- Aspen explains that he wanted to wait to ask her to get married until after he went through the draft, which requires a minimum of four years of military service.
- Aspen and America argue. America tries to pay Aspen for his "services," but he angrily refuses.
- America is even angrier, however, so she grabs her jar of pennies and pours them into Aspen's hand, though one straggler remains stuck to the side of the jar.
- Aspen leaves, and America feels more confused than ever.