How It All Goes Down
- The girls are sitting down for dinner when Maxon and the King arrive, deep in conversation.
- The King sits down, but Maxon remains standing: he has an announcement. From here on out, Twos and Threes will no longer receive compensation; Fours and Fives will see theirs halved.
- Maxon then claims that he'll explain the deal in further detail tomorrow on the Report. The girls are understandably shocked. Wouldn't you be?
- Fast-forward to tomorrow night. Mary is quizzing America on possible questions for her first live interview tonight.
- Anne and Lucy enter and announce that they've made America a new dress for tonight. See, everybody started wearing blue dresses to copy America, so they've made her a red one.
- After getting dressed, America joins the other girls downstairs.
- Celeste sees America's swanky dress and demands that she give it to her. For real? After America refuses, Celeste rips off one of the sleeves because she's a bona fide psychopath.
- Marlee fixes the dress for America, thankfully.
- Before Gavril begins the ceremonies, Prince Maxon gives a speech. He talks about how the girls have changed his worldview and his perception of his countrymen.
- To that end, Maxon's decided to open food assistance programs for Castes Five and below. He also explains that he has cut the girls' stipends so he could fund this ambitious program.
- America notes the king and queen's "mixed" reactions: the queen seems into it, while the king looks bummed out (18.99).
- Enough with that, though—it's interview time. Celeste goes first and is her typical celestial self. And by "celestial" we mean as empty as the interstellar vacuum.
- And on and on. Through these interviews, Maxon confirms that he hasn't kissed anyone yet. Each girl also denies being the one to yell at him.
- Finally, it's America's turn. She reveals the history of her name (her mother thought she was a fighter), and then, finally, she admits that she was the one who yelled at the prince.
- America explains the situation honestly, by our count, and it's all charming. She responds angrily when Gavril suggests that she's at a disadvantage because she's a Five, however.
- America does accidentally refer to the prince by his first name, however, which is a serious faux pas.
- The interview ends with America complimenting Maxon in a really sincere way. Not so bad, right?
- That night, Maxon comes by America's room. They flirt in their typical we're-totally-not-flirting way.
- Maxon talks trash about Aspen as he moves closer to America. And then, suddenly, it happens—he kisses her.
- America pulls away, confused. Maxon seems a little confused, too. He explains that she's been giving off mixed signals, which we definitely agree with. He also explains that it's his "first kiss" (18.194).
- Suddenly, America realizes that she does dig Maxon. You're like three chapters behind, girl.
- America rubs her hand on Maxon's forehead, telling him that she's erasing that memory. She thinks they can do better. With that, they share a tender kiss.
- Once that's taken care of, Maxon asks America again if she could possibly get with him, and this time America says yes.