The Spectacular Now Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Is this what's supposed to pass for friendship when you get out of college? I don't see how you can hardly even call these people friends, at least not according to the definition of that word as I lived it growing up. (14.7)

Sigh. Hate to break it to you, Shmoopers, but Sutter's kind of right: adult friendships really are different. And shouldn't they be?

Quote #5

"It's like we were always buddies instead of boyfriend and girlfriend. Even when we had sex it was kind of like two buddies just fooling around." (38.86)

Gee, that sounds awesome. Who wouldn't want a relationship like that? Oh, right: anyone interested in forming meaningful connections with people. No wonder Sutter and Shawnie split up.

Quote #6

She wants us to be friends again. Yeah, right. Friends. (28.8-9)

Sutter's positive Cassidy wants more than that, when he gets her email. To Sutter, girls are all either ex-girlfriends or future ones. Hey: hate the game, not the player.