The Spectacular Now Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Girls have the wrong idea about how guys are with their buddies. It's like they think all we do is talk about sports and porn, tell dirty jokes, and brag about our sexploits. Or lie about them. And, okay, a certain amount of that does go on, but if you have a best friend, you can go further. You can unlock all the rooms. (47.1)

This is how Sutter talks to us in this book, as well--as if we were his best buds. We hear all about his sex life, but also his deepest thoughts and fears. Come to think of it, we just might be his only friends. (In which case, we're going to have to ask him never to use the word "sexploits" again.)

Quote #8

Cassidy's just another ex-girlfriend. All right, maybe she's really more like some kind of new, mutant, never-before-seen type of friend, but she is just a friend. (47.22)

Gee. A friend who listens to you, supports you, and really just has your best interests at heart. You know, a never-before-seen type of friend. Too bad he had to date and then break up with her to figure it out.

Quote #9

"He did know how to make friends with people. They may not have necessarily been the right kind of people, but he did know how to make people feel good about themselves. At least for a while." (57.18)

This is Holly's take on her dad, but we don't quite follow her logic. Is making friends with someone the same thing as making them feel good about themselves? It might make people feel friendly toward you, but we're not sure it actually makes them your friend. In fact, we think that, as soon as you stop making them feel good about themselves, they'll stop being your friend.