The Story of My Experiments with Truth Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I read Salt's book from cover to cover and was very much impressed by it. From the date of reading this book, I may claim to have become a vegetarian by choice. I blessed the day on which I had taken the vow before my mother. [...] The choice was now made in favor of vegetarianism, the spread of which henceforward became my mission. (1.14.9)

Salt's 19th-century book, which convinced Gandhi of the morality of vegetarianism, is available in full for free as a PDF here.

Quote #8

They needed no religious rites to seal the bond. Mrs. Polak was a Christian by birth and Polak a Jew. Their common religion was the religion of ethics. (4.22.7)

Ethics is something believers of different faiths and even nonbelievers can bond over.

Quote #9

"In fact we doctors consider it a virtue to deceive patients or their relatives, if thereby we can save our patients," said the doctor with determination.

I was deeply pained, but kept cool. The doctor was a good man and a personal friend. He and his wife had laid me under a debt of gratitude, but I was not prepared to put up with his medical morals. (4.28.5-6)

Gandhi always wants the truth, even at the price of his life.