Thelma & Louise Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Thelma & Louise.

Quote #4

THELMA: You're a good friend.

LOUISE: You too, sweetie, the best. How do you like the vacation so far?

THELMA: I guess I went a little crazy, huh?

LOUISE: No...You've always been crazy. This is just the first chance you've ever had to really express yourself.

Now, we don't recommend that everyone "express" him- or herself by holding up corner stores, drinking Wild Turkey, and locking cops in trunks, but we do want to draw your attention to the fact that Louise's support and acceptance of her friend has given Thelma the space really to be free. The best friendships do that.

Quote #5

THELMA: Let's keep goin'.

Literally, Thelma means that they should drive the car over the cliff. But figuratively, she means that she wants the friendship to continue. For Thelma, nothing will compare to what she's shared with Louise.