Thor Exile Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Thor.

Quote #4

LOKI: This is good-bye brother. I'm so sorry.

THOR: No, I am sorry. Thank you for coming here.

Thor accepts his exile forever: meaning that he understands that he did this to himself and accepts the consequences. Way to be a grown-up, Thor!

Quote #5

LOKI: What hope is there for Thor?

FRIGGA: There's always a purpose to everything your father does.

That's the sliver of a way out for Thor, meaning that if he figures out why Odin did this, he might be able to end his exile.

Quote #6

THOR: You know I can't go home. My father is dead because of me, and I must remain in exile.

SIF: Thor, your father still lives.

Even though the whole "Odin's dead" thing is a lie, it's important for Thor to accept responsibility for his exile. I did it, I have no excuse, and I'm prepared to stay in this little Podunk world in order to pay the check.