Thor Humility Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Thor.

Quote #1

THOR: When I am king, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all! Just as you did father.

It's telling that Thor would say this as a kid: it's something a kid would say. Thing is, grown-up Thor pretty much says the same thing… and boy howdy is that a problem.

Quote #2

THOR: I have no plans to die today.

HEIMDALL: None do.

Just a friendly word that Thor may be biting off more than he can chew, and maybe toning down the swagger a little bit would be in everyone's best interests.

Quote #3

THOR: You dare threaten Thor with so puny—

(Darcy tasers him and he collapses.)

DARCY: What? He was freaking me out!

Nothing makes a character look humble like being the butt of the joke. The audience gets a big laugh here at the sight of big bad Thor getting taken down by little ole Darcy. It also shows us what Thor has to learn, as a handy signpost to show us where the movie is going.