Turtle in Paradise Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Maybe it's because it's only ever been Mama and me, but I don't understand what's so wonderful about having a big family. Someone's always fighting, or not talking to someone else, or scrounging around trying to borrow money. Far as I can tell, relations are nothing but trouble. (8.1)

Not everyone is a fan of big families, but for Turtle, it's more about how much her cousins annoy her at this point. Sometimes she wishes there was some peace and quiet in her life, just like when she lived with Mama.

Quote #5

"I can't believe I have a grandmother," I say. "Believe it," Pork Chop says. (8.99)

Turtle's shocked when she learns Nana Philly isn't someone's grandma, but her grandma. She's grown up thinking her grandma is dead, yet here she is in the flesh. The only problem is, her grandma isn't exactly warm and fuzzy.

Quote #6

Even though Mama's fellas were always buying me treats—candy, hair ribbons—the shoes felt different. They were so ordinary, like something that, well, a father would buy. Walking down the street in those new shoes with Archie and Mama, it almost felt like we were a real family. (12.5)

Mama thinks Archie is different, but Turtle's not convinced until he acts like a father toward her. She might act like she's got a tough shell, but she really wants a family and a home more than anything else in the world.