Turtle in Paradise The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Uncle Vernon doesn't buy treats like Archie, but things are different with him in the house. Beans is a little nicer, and Buddy has fewer accidents, and Aunt Minnie doesn't seem so tired. (10.49)

Turtle notices how Aunt Minnie's becomes more like a home when Uncle Vernon is around—he soothes everyone and brings more joy into the home with him. He's compared to Archie here in showing their different approaches. Her uncle doesn't need gifts and products to sell people.

Quote #8

I've got my very own fancy room next to Mama and Archie's in the Key West Colonial Hotel on Duval Street. The sheets are crisp, and the pillows are plump. It's probably the nicest bed I've ever slept in. But that's just the problem: I can't sleep. (18.2)

Everything is coming together for Turtle, but something is still missing. Even when she gets what she wants, she's restless. She figures out that it's not crisp sheets and plump pillows that make a home, but the people you share it with.

Quote #9

I look back at the little Conch house. It will never be the Bellewood, with its modern attractive exterior and Venetian mirrored cabinet. But it doesn't seem quite so small or shabby to me anymore. (18.88)

Over time, Turtle's opinion of the house changes from negative to positive. Why? She's gotten to know the people inside much more, and she realizes they make the home more inviting and comforting than any Venetian cabinets ever could.