Typee Chapter 22 Summary

  • Since Tommo's leg has healed, he's been making daily visits to Mehevi at the Ti, to eat, chill out, and be served in this no-girls-allowed center of power for the village. Each day Tommo enjoys being served, he enjoys the camaraderie of the men around him.
  • One day, however, there are great preparations being made for a festival, and many Typee are attacking a large hog, to be killed and eaten. It is cooked in a pit lined with fire-hot stones and covered in palm fronds.
  • Watching all of the preparations, Tommo asks Mehevi what the festival is for, but they cannot understand each other. Tommo leaves the chief to his leadership, asking Kory-Kory instead. Kory-Kory leads him to a small pyramid structure built with dry gourds, but it doesn't really clear up anything for Tommo.
  • Back at Marheyo's, the patriarch is preparing his hair and tribal accessories, as are the other young men, while the women put on special costumes of blossoms strung together with tappa. Tommo sees Fayaway in this get-up and just about swoons in delight.
  • Wanting to take part, Tommo finds himself covered in flower garlands and wearing a hat made of palm leaves.