Typee Freedom & Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I at once made up my mind to leave her: to be sure it was rather an inglorious thing to steal away privily from those at whose hands I had received wrongs and outrages but how was such a course to be avoided when it was the only alternative left me? (4.15)

That's one way to put it, Tommo. Is quitting a job the same as breaking out of jail?

Quote #2

I now deliberately turned over in my mind every plan to escape that suggested itself, being determined to act with all possible prudence in an attempt where failure would be attended with so many disagreeable consequences. (5.1)

It's interesting—from a structural sense—that Tommo begins and ends the book with an escape plan, neither of which go precisely as expected.

Quote #3

I straightway fell to picturing myself seated beneath a cocoanut tree on the brow of the mountain, with a cluster of plantains within easy reach, criticizing her nautical evolutions as she was working her way out of the harbour. (5.4)

Tommo's most intense fantasies have to do with chilling out. Yeah…we totally understand.