Typee Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[...] the deathlike coldness of the place, the appalling darkness and the dismal sense of our forlorn condition, almost unmanned me. (7.29)

Yes, Shmoopers, even a sailor can be afraid of the dark.

Quote #2

I for one prefer to chance a bold descent into the valley, and risk the consequences. (8.30)

Look at that adjective: he prefers a "bold descent," not just any plain descent will do. What do you make of that?

Quote #3

But we struggled against them manfully, well knowing our only hope lay in advancing. (9.2)

In Typee and many other places, gendered adjectives like "manfully" say that it's part of a man's job to be tough.