Typee Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

This gentle being had early attracted my regard, not only from her extraordinary beauty, but from the attractive cast of her countenance, singularly expressive of intelligence and humanity. [...] she alone seemed to appreciate the effect which the peculiarity of the circumstances in which we were placed had produced upon the minds of my companion and myself. (11.11)

Feeling understood is a tricky proposition, though, especially when you can't understand each other's languages.

Quote #2

To have seen them reclining beneath the shadows of one of the beautiful groves; the ground about them strewn with freshly gathered buds and blossoms, [...] one would have thought that all the train of Flora had gathered together to keep a festival in honour of their mistress. (17.19)

Yes, this seems like really legit festival wear.

Quote #3

Bathing in company with troops of girls formed one of my chief amusements. (18.1)

Hmm…do you think the girls were part of Tommo's amusement, or was it just the bathing?