Typee Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We had battled out many a long watch together, beguiling the weary hours with chat, song, and story, mingled with a good many imprecations upon the hard destiny it seemed our common fortune to encounter. (5.7)

Why does boredom bond folks together? We're thinking about you, The Breakfast Club.

Quote #2

 Perhaps I might be obliged to lie concealed among the mountains for weeks. In such an event what a solace would a companion be? (5.14)

It sounds like Tommo may have just been looking for someone, anyone to talk to.

Quote #3

I sank down for a moment with a sort of dogged apathy, from which I was aroused by Toby, who had devised a plan to free us from the net in which we had become entangled. (6.21)

Toby always seems to take the lead when it comes to planning. Do you have a friend like that? Or are you that friend?