The Wee Free Men Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There was only one place where it was possible for someone in a large family to be private, and that was in the privy. (3.83)

Big families may be fun and raucous, but it can be kind of hard to have a bit of alone time with everyone running around. Tiffany doesn't even have her own bedroom, so when she wants privacy she has to retreat to the bathroom.

Quote #5

"We pictsies aren't like you big folk, ye ken. Ye have many sisters? Fion here has none. She's my only daughter. A kelda might be blessed wi' only one daughter her whole life, but she'll have hundreds and hundreds o' sons." (7.47)

Tiffany's family isn't the only big one, though. The Wee Free Men travel in family clans, meaning that they have hundreds and hundreds of siblings with them all the time. It's just a guess, but planning holiday parties must be quite a headache for them.

Quote #6

"That's right!" Tiffany said, delighted. "Big fishy! And what makes it particularly interesting is that a whale isn't a fish! It is in fact a mammal, just like a cow!" (12.88)

So her annoying little brother can be bearable sometimes. After they've been through a lot of adventure (and scary monster-fleeing) together, Tiffany can't help but feel proud of her little brother's progress.