The Wee Free Men Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Big water cow gone," he suggested meekly.

"That's right! Good boy!" said Tiffany. "When we get home, you can have one sweet!" (12.99-100)

In fact, she's so pleased with the fact that he's actually talking, that she's willing to give him a sweetie—even if it does make him sticky and gross. Guess he's growing on her.

Quote #8

"I expect it's not your fault you're so cold and heartless," said the Queen. "It's probably all to do with your parents. They probably never gave you enough time. And having Wentworth was a very cruel thing to do—they really should have been more careful." (13.13)

The Queen's trying to mess with Tiffany's head by talking to her about her family's dynamics. Love 'em or hate 'em, family's often a soft spot for people.

Quote #9

Sparking in the dark, light glittering off the white shepherdess dress and every blue ribbon and silver buckle of it, was Granny Aching, smiling hugely, radiant with pride. (13.83)

Even when she's dead, Grandma Aching doesn't abandon her grandchild or her people. She comes back to help Tiffany when she needs it the most.