The Wee Free Men The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Anyway, lots of warrior tribes think that when they die, they go to a heavenly land somewhere," said the toad. "You know, where they can drink and fight and feast forever? So maybe this is theirs." (6.24)

The pictsies have their own idea of what it means to go home after you die. They think that they're currently dead and in heaven, which isn't so different from thinking that you're alive and going to heaven, if you think about it.

Quote #5

But her Second Thinking said: He's mine. My place, my home, my brother! How dare anything touch what's mine! (8.168)

Even though Tiffany isn't the best big sister in the world at the beginning, she makes it up by going to save Wentworth. After all, he's a part of her home and she needs to bring him back to her family. It's her duty.

Quote #6

Tiffany dropped the pan and swept him up in her arms. "It's Tiffy," she whispered. "And we're going home." (10.154)

When Tiffany does find Wentworth, all she wants to do is to get him home again. She doesn't want to explore anymore; she just wants to make things right at the Aching homestead.