The Wee Free Men The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

A drome was sitting on the rocks with its pale, fat legs sticking out in front of it. It was staring out to sea and didn't appear to notice the approaching boat. It thinks it's home, Tiffany thought. I've given it a dream it likes. (12.105)

The dromes caused her a huge headache earlier, but when Tiffany sees the one staring out at sea, she can't help but feel bad for it. It's obviously homesick, and the Queen must have dragged it here from somewhere.

Quote #8

"Stay away from here," said Tiffany. "Never come back. Never touch what is mine." (13.158)

Tiffany's not going to put up with the Queen coming willy nilly into her world whenever she feels like it. Nope—this is her land, and she's going to protect it no matter what it takes.

Quote #9

Her mother had insisted on Tiffany's going to bed, even though it was broad daylight. Actually, she didn't mind. She was tired, and lay under the covers in that nice pink world halfway between asleep and awake. (14.169)

Coming home is rather nice after a long jaunt through Fairyland, even if it means that your parents are going to boss you around again. We guess home really is where the heart is, huh?