The Wee Free Men Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The anger came back. She'd nearly been fooled! She looked at the cheese knife. "Be a sword," she said. After all, the drome was making her dream, but she was doing the dreaming. She was real. Part of her wasn't asleep. (9.109)

Tiffany has enough inner strength to fight back against really strong dromes that want her to fall for pleasant and fun dreams. She can force herself to keep her eye on the prize—even if that prize is just a sticky younger brother.

Quote #5

Tiffany didn't wait to see what else was going to happen. She grabbed her brother again, and ran away, down through the grass, past the strange figures looking around at the sound of the Queen's anger. (10.222)

Coming up against the Queen doesn't leave Tiffany shaking in her boots. Nope—she just keeps moving forward, trying to get out of Fairyland in one piece with Wentworth in tow.

Quote #6

The Nac Mac Feegle couldn't be trodden on or squeezed. They worked in groups, running up one another's backs to get high enough to punch an elf, or preferably, bash it with their heads. And once anyone was down, it was all over bar the kicking. (11.37)

You'd think that a bunch of tiny blue men would be scared of giant nightmare creatures, but instead they throw themselves at their enemies and keep fighting until they win.