The Wee Free Men Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Aye, we'll cut oour way out!" shouted Daft Wullie.

"No, keep rowing!" said Tiffany. (12.62-63)

Even when a giant whale is gaining on them, Tiffany and the Nac Mac Feegles don't resign themselves to the fate of Pinocchio and friends. Instead they row on—literally into the storm ahead of them.

Quote #8

Tiffany managed to take a step forward. The mud sucked at her boots.

"A bit of spirit at last?" said the Queen, stepping back. (13.25-26)

The Queen may think that she has Tiffany beat, but that doesn't mean the little girl is going to give up. Even if she didn't save Wentworth, she's not going to just let the Queen trample all over her emotions and her body.

Quote #9

The anger overflowed. She stood up, clenched her fists, and screamed at the storm, putting into the scream all the rage that was inside her.

Lightning struck the ground on either side of her. It did so twice. (13.66-67)

She's flat down in the mud, but Tiffany knows she has to get up and keep fighting. And when she decides to keep fighting, that's when she gets some backup in the form of mystical dogs. Coincidence? We're not sure.