The Wee Free Men Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Ah, weel," said Rob Anybody. "What's magic, eh? Just wavin' a stick an' sayin' a few wee magical words. An' what's so clever aboot that, eh? But lookin' at things, really lookin' at 'em, and then workin' 'em oout, now, that's a real skill." (7.397)

Even though Tiffany doesn't use magic to enter Fairyland, the pictsies still encourage her and tell her that she's got the necessary skills to defeat the Queen.

Quote #5

I know what you are, said her Third Thoughts. You're something that's never learned anything. You don't know anything about people. You're just… a child that's got old. (11.23)

Tiffany's very astute—which is one area where she triumphs over the Queen. Tiffany can look at the Queen and understand her weaknesses, whereas the Queen just keeps throwing tantrums like a big and scary baby.

Quote #6

"There's no' a thing we canna fight," growled Big Yan. "If it's got a heid, we can gie it a faceful o'dandruff. If it disna have a heid, it's due a good kickin'!" (11.119)

These Nac Mac Feegles really love fighting—and they're good at it too. There's no creature that the Queen can throw at them that they can't defeat, even if the creatures are much bigger than them.