The Wee Free Men Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Objection! I move for a writ of habeas corpus," said a small voice. "And enter a plea of vis-ne faciem capite repletam, without prejudice." (13.113)

The toad seems kind of useless throughout the story, but at the end he really lets his skills show. It seems that the toad has some legal expertise, which comes in handy when the Queen unleashes the most terrifying creatures of all—lawyers.

Quote #8

"And tae think we didna know legal talkin' was that simple," said Rob Anybody. "We could all be lawyers, lads, if we knew the fancy words! Let's get them!" (13.113)

After the pictsies realize that they have a lawyer on their side, they rally together and fight back like they're supposed to. Hurrah and huzzah.

Quote #9

She swung a hand. The Queen tried to stop her, but she might as well have tried to stop a wheel of years. Tiffany's hand caught her face and knocked her off her feet. (13.150)

Once Tiffany has figured out how to beat the Queen, there's no stopping her. Even though the Queen thinks that she's stronger and has more magical powers, Tiffany still manages to knock her down.