Why We Broke Up Chapter 11 Summary

  • Next up: a torn Halloween poster. Min can't even pull the poster out of the breakup box as she writes, because it's still a sensitive subject with Al. (Remember, Min is writing the letter as Al drives her to drop off the breakup box.)
  • Flashback to Al taping up posters in the morning before school. Jordan and Lauren are helping, but Min has arrived late and is in a rush to copy someone's homework.
  • Al reminds Min that she promised to help with the posters. She tries to get out of it, but Al is persuasive.
  • The friends pair off, and Lauren and Jordan leave Min and Al to their "sexual tension festival." Hmmm…
  • As they tape posters, Al asks Min how things are going with Ed. Ed walks up in the middle of the conversation, though—awkward.
  • Having already made plans with Al to get coffee after school, Min tells Ed she won't be attending his basketball practice.
  • Ed rips down the Halloween poster to write down his phone number for Min. Yeah, the poster she and Al had just taped up. Seriously, Ed is the worst.
  • Min is horrified, but she doesn't say anything. Instead she reflects, poetically and at length, on the tedium of school.
  • Now Min is remembering the first time she called Ed. His sister answered and Min was too shy to introduce herself.
  • This became a ritual with Ed and Min, the evening phone calls, and she remembers them fondly. Night was a magical time when the relationship was easy—unlike during the day at school, when it felt like they were living in two different worlds.