- In the coffee shop with Al, Min's pen is running low on ink. She perseveres.
- Flashback to the day she and Ed made the egg igloo: They're getting off the bus and buying ingredients.
- Min, on behalf of her mother, invites Ed and his family over for Thanksgiving; he says maybe.
- As they assemble the igloo in Ed's kitchen, Min finds herself feeling blue, though she's not sure why.
- They use the egg cubers to assemble the egg igloo. It is perfect and weird at once.
- Joan comes home. She's impressed by the igloo, and takes an instant picture for posterity.
- While Joan's off fetching the camera, Ed apologizes for their weird afternoon. He tells Min it's fine if she changes her mind about having sex—but Min is feeling sure.
- Joan comes back and takes the photo. As Min leaves, Joan hands it to her, "in case it doesn't work out the next time."