Why We Broke Up Lies and Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I should have seen it, Ed, as a sign that you were unreliable. Instead I saw it as a sign of charming, which is why I didn't break it off right then and there, like I should have and wish wish wish I did. (8.126)

Ed's flirting with another woman while he's shopping with Min. Did you find that charming? Yeah, neither did we.

Quote #2

"What about you, Min?" she asked. "Do you need a shower?"

"I'm good," I said. There was a vibration in the kitchen, Ed, that you left me alone with, that I wasn't catching. (20.9-20.10)

This is the one of the first of Joan's many attempts to tell Min that her brother is bad news. Needless to say, it doesn't work.

Quote #3

"Did Ed tell you? He can't hang out tonight, he has a family thing."

"He did not," I said, "tell me."

Hawk Davies ended. "Yeah," she said carefully, "that sounds like him not to tell you," and I did not know what was going on that I was feeling. (20.32-20.34)

Joan has all but spray-painted "ED'S A LIAR" on the wall, but Min's still not catching her drift. Or is she?