- Min's at the hardware store by herself. Or she was, anyway—remember, this is another flashback. In real time, Min's in the coffee shop with Al, writing the letter we're reading.
- Min is studying a metal file, wishing Al were with her so she could ask him some questions about it, such as: Is the file oven-safe?
- Min bumps into Annette, Ed's ex-girlfriend, who is Halloween shopping, just like Min.
- Annette is examining some chains, wondering if they'd work for her medieval costume. She wonders aloud if she could wear the chains as a tube top, without a bra. Min is horrified.
- Min's Halloween costume is confusing. Remember Ed's chain gang costume? Since he's going to be a prisoner, Min's thinking about baking the file into a cake for his escape.
- Annette doesn't get it. Fair enough.
- Min backtracks and says she's going to go as a prison warden—she's not into sexy costumes, she says.
- Annette says that Min is beautiful and that everyone's jealous of her. Clarification: jealous of Min's relationship with Ed. Annette is joking/not joking.
- Min and Annette make their respective purchases at the hardware store, and leave. Annette asks Min if she wants to go for a juice, but Min wants to go home and work on her costume.
- In a vulnerable moment in the parking lot, Min admits that she feels insecure about her relationship with Ed; she worries another girl will steal him away.
- Annette brushes off Min's concern and they go their separate ways.