Why We Broke Up Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

You looked strong, Ed. I guess you always looked strong, your shoulders and your jaw, your arms leading you through the room, your neck where I know now you like to be kissed. (4.43)

Here we have Min's first encounter with Ed. (At least, the first encounter where she really notices him.) Often, in the book, when she Min describes him, she focuses on his physique.

Quote #2

"I'm with Jordan," Lauren said, taking half the stack. "I know better than to interfere with the sexual tension festival you and Min have going on this morning."

"Every morning," Jordan said. (11.30-11.31)

The sexual tension fest Lauren's referring to is with Al (not Ed). This is one of the first clues we have that Al's feelings for Min aren't just platonic—and that maybe, deep down inside, hers for him aren't so friendly either.

Quote #3

This is another thing I think of, turning it over, try to put together two pictures of it, but this time it's about me, it's myself I'm trying to figure. Because one sounds so disgusting, not even able to tell Al about it, win the big game, take the virgin to her first bonfire, feed her a beer or two, and then the two of us in someone's car with your hand between my legs.… Honestly it felt different then, different from that bad picture. (15.117)

Min's plagued by anxiety about sex and being perceived as, shall we say, less than ladylike. She craves physical intimacy, but she feels conflicted about it.