Will Grayson, Will Grayson Arts and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He's still looking at me quizzically when, sounding stone sober, he says, "Grayson, something needs to happen," and I say, "Huh?" And Tiny says, "Because otherwise what if we just end up like everybody at the Hideout?" And I'm about to say huh again, because those people were far cooler than our classmates and also far cooler than us, but then I know what he means. He means, What if we become grown-ups waiting for a band that's never coming back? (1.81)

Tiny's kind of right—maybe it is time that he and Will started making their own lives exciting instead of waiting for awesome things to happen. Maybe this is the big push that Tiny needs to get his musical off the ground, and maybe this is the start of Will changing his opinions on love and friendship. We'll see.

Quote #5

i step away from the computer and finish my homework quickly. then i go in the den and turn on law & order, since the only thing i can really count on in life is that whenever i turn on the tv there will be a law & order episode. this time it's the one with the guy who strangles blonde after blonde after blonde, and even though i'm pretty sure i've seen it like ten times already, i'm watching it like i don't know that the pretty reporter he's talking to is about to have the curtain cord around her neck. i don't watch that part , because it's really stupid, but once the police catch the guy and the trial's going on, they're all

lawyer: dude, the cord knocked this microscopic piece of skin off your hand while you were strangling her, and we ran it under the microscope and found out that you're totally f***ed.

you gotta know he wishes he'd worn gloves, although the gloves probably would've left fibers, and he would've been totally f***ed anyway. when that's all over, there's another episode i don't think i've seen before, until this celebrity runs over a baby in his hummer and i'm like, oh, it's the one where the celebrity runs over the baby in his hummer. i watch it anyway, because it's not like i have anything better to do. then mom comes home and finds me there and it's like we're a rerun, too. (2.58-60)

We've all been there. Anytime you turn on the television, you can find a Law & Order re-run playing somewhere. will sees the predictably in all this: The same shows play over and over again with the same predictable results. Just like his life. Just like his relationship with his mom. But maybe this thing with Isaac is different somehow?

Quote #6

I look at her profile. The list of favorite music and favorite books is obscenely long, and I can only get through the A's of the music list before giving up. She looks cute in her pictures, but not quite like she looks in real life—her picture smile isn't her smile.

Jane: I hear Tiny's recruiting you to the GSA.
Me: Indeed.
Jane: You should come. We need members. It's kind of pathetic, actually.
Me: Yeah, I think I will.

Jane: Cool. I didn't know you had a Facebook. Your profile is funny. I like "ACTIVITIES: ought to involve sunglasses."
Me: You have more favorite bands than Tiny has ex-boyfriends.
Jane: Yeah, well. Some people have lives; some people have music.
Me: And some people have neither.

This is kind of the first thing that Will likes about Jane. She's into the same music as him, except she's gone past his level of casual music loving. In fact, sometimes he thinks she's a bit of a music snob. But still, there's a little spark there.