Will Grayson, Will Grayson Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

i know we should go back to the play. but there's something i want to ask him, now that he's in front of me.

me: can i ask you something personal, will grayson to will grayson?
o.w.g.: um... sure.
me: do you feel things are different? i mean, since the first time we met?

o.w.g. thinks about it for a second, then nods.

o.w.g.: yeah. i guess i'm not the will grayson i used to be.
me: me neither. (20.34-37)

Hey there, change and transformation. Since Will and will first met each other on that Chicago street, they've gone through a lot. And grown up a lot. Will finally opened himself up to love and caring, and will stopped being so freaking pessimistic about everything. Maybe the future is pretty bright, after all?