Will Grayson, Will Grayson Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

maura: yeah, the album's called "isaac's not coming, you f***ing liar."

this is not good.

me: that's a pretty stupid name for an album.

what? what what what?

maura: give up, will.
me: my password.
maura: what?
me: you totally hacked my password. you've been reading my emails, haven't you?
maura: what are you talking about?
me: isaac. how do you know about me meeting up with isaac?

she must have looked over my shoulder when i checked my email at school. she must have seen the keys i typed. she stole my dumbass password.

maura: i am isaac, will.
me: don't be stupid. he's a guy.
maura: no he's not. he's a profile. i made him up. (8.18-24)

And now it all comes out: Maura set up a fake identity, and Isaac was her all along. will is understandably furious, but he also has to wrestle with the fact that he genuinely liked Maura when she was pretending to be Isaac. Weird, we know.

Quote #8

tiny: hey—i don't even know your name.
me: will grayson.

with that, tiny jumps off the bench, nearly knocking me to the grass.

tiny: no!

me: um . . . yes?
tiny: well, doesn't that just take the cake?

with that, he starts laughing, and calling out

tiny: i kissed will grayson! i kissed will grayson!

when he sees that this freaks me out more than sharks do, he sits back down and says

tiny: i'm glad it was you.

i think about the other will grayson. i wonder how he's doing with jane. (10.73-80)

Of course this is hilarious because people have been teasing Will Grayson and Tiny Cooper for years about being in love. Now Tiny has finally hooked up with a will grayson. And he'll end up with another one at the end of the story. Seriously—Tiny is meant to love a Will Grayson.

Quote #9

"What's it like to be Will Grayson? I need to know what it's like from the inside." He's laughing, but then he also seems to be waiting for an answer. I always thought that being Will Grayson meant being me, but apparently not. The other Will Grayson is also Will Grayson, and now Gary will be, too. (11.95)

So. Many. Will. Graysons. What's in a name? Not as much as you might initially think.