Will Grayson, Will Grayson Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Four," he says. "So I realized, in spite of my great and terrible fabulousness, the play can't be about me. It must be about something even more fabulous: love. The polychromic many-splendored dreamcoat of love in all its myriad glories. And so it had to be revised. Also retitled. And so I had to stay up all night. And I've been writing like crazy, writing a musical called Hold Me Closer. We'll need more sets than I thought. Also! Also! More voices in the chorus. The chorus must be like a f***ing wall of song, you know?" (13.30)

Tiny's right: As amazing as his life is, this play can't just be about him. Any great work of art can't just be about the artist; there has to be some universal truth there, some message that can reach anyone. Tiny's message is the power of love.

Quote #8

tiny: you know what's a great metaphor for love?
me: i have a feeling you're about to tell me.

he turns away and makes an attempt to swing high. the swing set groans so much that he stops and twists back my way.

tiny: sleeping beauty.
me: sleeping beauty?
tiny: yes, because you have to plow through this incredible thicket of thorns in order to get to beauty, and even then, when you get there, you still have to wake her up.
me: so i'm a thicket?
tiny: and the beauty that isn't fully awake yet. (16.90-92)

This is a pretty good metaphor for love. Especially for will's kind of love. The kid is definitely hiding behind a whole bunch of thorns. But he's not waiting for some Prince Charming to rescue him like Tiny assumes. will just wants a love that's real and not a fairy tale. That's not too much to ask for, is it?

Quote #9

so i'm getting out the phone. i'm not even thinking about it. i'm pressing the number and i'm hearing the ring and as soon as it's answered, i'm shouting into the phone:


i'm screaming it, and it sounds so angry and so frightened and so pathetic and desperate. on the other end of the phone, my mother is asking me what's wrong, where am i, what's happening, and i'm telling her that i'm at home and that everything's a mess, and she's saying she'll be home in ten minutes, will i be okay for ten minutes? (16.116-118)

will's big realization about love comes when he finally admits to his mom that he loves the heck out of her. Up until this point, he's either blown her off or just been polite. But here he finally lets her in on the truth: He needs her and he loves her. Wow, that feels good.