The Woman in White Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Woman in White.

Identity Quotes

Her hair is so faint and pale a brown—not flaxen, and yet almost as light; not golden, and yet almost as glossy—that it nearly melts, here and there, into the shadow of the hat. (

Power Quotes

Here was a stranger utterly and helplessly at my mercy—and that stranger a forlorn woman. No house was near; no one was passing whom I could consult; and no earthly right existed on my part to gi...

Justice and Judgment Quotes

If the machinery of Law could be depended on to fathom every case of suspicion, and to conduct every process of inquiry, with moderate assistance only from the lubricating influences of oil of gold...

Gender Quotes

"My sister is in her own room, nursing that essentially feminine malady, a slight headache." (

Family Quotes

Accident has made him the starting-point of the strange family story which it is the purpose of these pages to unfold. (

Lies and Deceit Quotes

At one moment, I found myself doubting the reality of my own adventure; at another, I was perplexed and distressed by an uneasy sense of having done wrong, which yet left me confusedly ignorant of...

Marriage Quotes

"It is an engagement of honour, not of love—her father sanctioned it on his death-bed, two years since—he herself neither welcomed it, nor shrank from it—she was content to make it." (

Memory and the Past Quotes

How can I describe her? How can I separate her from my own sensations, and from all that has happened in the later time? How can I see her again as she looked when my eyes first rested on her—as...