The Woman in White Resources


Wilkie Collins on Victorian Web

Awesome collection of material about Collins, including reviews, biographical material, and essays on his works.

Wilkie Collins Biography

Here's a brief biography of Collins, covering his career and his personal life (which was pretty freaking entertaining).

Publishing History of The Woman in White

This is a cool page that gives a rundown of the book and has lots of images of the various covers of the novel over time.

Collins E-texts

Lucky for us, a ton of Collins's novels have been converted into e-text format, so there's a lot of material to choose from on the site.

Wilkie Collins Twitter

Yes, really. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of The Woman in White, Collins enthusiast and scholar Paul Lewis started up a Twitter feed.

Woman in White 150th Anniversary Project

Read The Woman in White the way the Victorians did on this site, which breaks up the novel into its original installment pieces from the periodical All the Year Round. Have fun with those cliffhangers!

The Wilkie Collins Pages

Here's a tribute page to Collins with a lot of links.

Wilkie Collins Chronology

Boom—here's a detailed chronology of Collins's life and work.

Collins and Dickens

Cool rundown of the relationship between BFFs Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins, with pictures and primary sources, such as private letters. Juicy!

Wilkie Collins Bibliography

Check out this detailed bibliography, including books by and about Collins.

The Woman in White: The Play

This site is about the theatrical adaptation of The Woman in White, which debuted in 1860 and was revived in 1870.


The Woman in White (1948)

Check out TCM's site for info about the 1912, 1917, and 1929 productions, too. (It was a popular book to adapt, that's for sure.)

The Woman in White Miniseries (1982)

Here's the IMDB page for the 1982 miniseries version.

The Woman in White Miniseries (1997)

The IMDB page for yet another adaptation of The Woman in White, this time a 1997 TV version.


The Woman in White Musical Preview Trailer

The Woman in White with singing? Why not? Check out YouTube for other clips from the musical.


Wilkie Collins at the U.K.'s National Portrait Gallery

This has lots of portraits of Collins at various ages, lookin' sharp.

Wilkie Collins Photographs

Check out these photographs of Wilkie Collins, rocking some specs and a killer mountain-man beard.

The Woman in White Cartoon

Here's an 1861 cartoon spoofing The Woman in White from Harper's Magazine.

The Woman in White Theater Poster

A cool (and pretty famous poster) from one of the theatrical adaptations of The Woman in White.