Appearances Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Your pimples are the Lord's way of chastising you." (1.684)

Yikes. Okay. Now we get why Carrie is so hung up on her physical appearance. Her mother reminds her that appearance is equated with her godliness… or lack thereof. And if an ugly girl is a sinner, then a beautiful girl must be pure and saintly. Does that make Gwenyth Paltrow God?

Quote #8

Frieda was in an orange tulle concoction, and looked a little like a tuba. (2.139)

That's not a flattering comparison. Is it just human nature to want to (nastily) judge other people's appearances? Do we do this because we feel like we're in competition with each other? And if so, what are we competing for?

Quote #9

The applause swelled. […] It was all happening too fast. [Carrie's] legs were trembling under her and suddenly, even with the comparatively high neck of her gown, her breasts (dirtypillows) felt dreadfully exposed. (2.368-2.369)

Carrie is always self-conscious of her appearance, but on stage, everyone is looking at her. So when she knows that all of her classmates are analyzing her appearance up there, she feels terrified.