Revenge Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Momma said that Satan had reserved a special blue corner of Hell for Elt. (1.239)

Carrie eventually takes her revenge into her own hands. Carrie's Momma is just as vengeful as Carrie, but she expects Satan (or Jesus, depending on the situation) to do her dirty work for her.

Quote #5

Carrie, it was that goddamned Carrie, this was her fault. (1.285)

Although Sue doesn't take part in getting back at Carrie for being banned from prom, it sure sounds like she will… if only just for a second. Sue seems to blame Carrie for being so lame, and therefore, so easy to tease. Shouldn't she be blaming herself for bullying the girl? Sue isn't the brightest crayon in the box.

Quote #6

"I'll make the stones come again, Momma." (1.362)

This might be the first time where realizes that she can use her powers to strike back against those who have harmed her. Here, she tells her mother that she now has the power to retaliate. As a result, Momma stops railing on her about the sins of sexuality. Go Carrie. (Er, not that we condone threats of violence here. But her Momma is so mean to her.)