Drugs and Alcohol Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Because it was stuffed with drug money, I was more concerned than one might normally be about lost luggage. (1.1)

The drug trade isn't just made up of dealers. It's a whole industry, like the Gap or Whole Foods. Piper's job is one of courier, moving money across international borders.

Quote #2

Since business was conducted out of town, the reality of the drugs felt like a complete abstraction to me. I didn't know anyone who used heroin; and the suffering of addiction was not something I thought about. (1.28)

Piper only thinks about how the drug trade benefits her—she gets to drive Nora's excellent new car, for example—but she doesn't think about the consequences for the people who use the drugs.

Quote #3

In the United States mandatory minimum sentencing was a critical part of the late-twentieth-century "War on Drugs." (2.50)

We can thank President Nixon for the War on Drugs.