Identity Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I was twenty-four in 1993 and probably looked like just another anxious young professional woman. (1.2)

Piper relies on her identity as "pretty young white girl" to evade customs. No one would suspect someone like her was carrying $10k in drug cash in her suitcase.

Quote #2

I was a well-educated young lady from Boston with a thirst for bohemian counterculture and no clear plan. (1.12)

Okay, great. Thanks for telling us, Piper. Do you think Piper does a good job at describing her own identity or does she leave out some key details?

Quote #3

I vowed that I would never relinquish my sense of self again, to anything or anyone. (2.1)

How's that for some foreshadowing? "Sense of self" is the first thing they frisk for during the prison strip search, and they take it away.