Family Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My family was proud and beaming as I took my degree. (1.9)

Why does Kerman show us how proud her family is of her accomplishments? So she can contrast this with how disappointed they are in her later when she squanders everything she's worked for.

Quote #2

I was lying to my family about every aspect of my life and growing sick and tired of my adopted drug "family." (1.58)

Many people turn to drugs and gangs because their own family stinks, so they find support in other social circles. Piper is the opposite. At least she has a real family to go back to, unlike many others in her shoes.

Quote #3

I felt more guilt and shame witnessing their worry than when I stood in front of the judge. (4.56)

Letting down her family is the hardest thing for Piper. If she could serve extra time to avoid having to tell her parents, she probably would.