Orange Is the New Black Questions

  1. This is a memoir so it sometimes feels like Piper is the only character. What do you want to know about the other women in jail with Piper?
  2. Were you surprised Piper had such a relatively easy time in prison? Do you think all prison experiences are similar? How would the story be different if Piper were a man in a men's prison?
  3. What parts of Piper's story do you wish she would talk more about? Is there anything you wish she'd have left out? Why?
  4. Kerman has been criticized for her "white privilege." Do you think this is an appropriate criticism?
  5. Would this book have been published if it had been written by, say, Pop or Jae or Little Janet?
  6. Have you seen the Netflix show? (If not, get on it—we'll wait. No, we'll watch it again with you. Save us a spot on the couch.) What differences do you notice between the book and the show? Are there any details from the book that you're surprised they changed?